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Teme Valley Arts Society presents…

April 16 @ 2:00 PM

Justin Reay: Light and Shade – the Persian Paradise Garden

The formal ‘paradise gardens’ of Persia (Iran) are noted for their tranquillity and the respite they offer from the summer heat of the region, combining architectural and arboreal shade with running water in a long tradition. Adopted by Arab traders and rulers, such garden designs became central to the planning of palaces, mosques and private houses across the Islamic world.

Justin Reay: after officer service in the Royal Navy Justin had a long career in business management. He became Chief Executive of a healthcare company and then Director of Studies for a Japanese executive college in Oxford and Washington DCJustin then studied the History of Art and Architecture at Oxford, and later studied Islamic art at Oxford and classical culture with the university of Athens. While researching for a doctorate in naval history, Justin was invited to join the Bodleian Library as a senior academic manager, advising researchers and graduate students and editing manuscripts in the Bodleian’s collections


You can attend TVAS lectures for just £8 (pay on the day) or become a member – annual membership is £50 or £95 per couple.

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April 16
2:00 PM
Event Category:

