Hannah James and Toby Kuhn
Auditorium2024-11-08 19:30 -
2024-11-08 19:30 -
2024-11-09 14:00 -
2024-11-09 19:30 -
2024-11-11 14:00 -
2024-11-11 19:30 -
2024-11-12 13:30 -
2024-11-12 19:30 -
2024-11-13 19:00 -
Thursday 14th November 2024 1.15pm – tea and biscuits 1.40 pm – 2.40 pm - Singing Oscars, Ludlow Assembly Rooms, Castle Square, Ludlow SY8 1AZ Lead by Hayley Osborne Steve Dunachie on keyboard Singing can improve your brain activity, wellbeing and mood! It is beneficial for everyone!
2024-11-14 19:00 -
2024-11-14 19:30 -