Borderlines: a talk from Oscar Winner James Price
Auditorium2025-03-01 18:30 -
2025-03-01 18:30 -
2025-03-01 19:45 -
2025-03-01 20:00 -
Join us for our third Vintage and Collectibles Fair in Oscars, open 10.30 - 3pm. FREE entry, refreshments available, donations in support of Ludlow Assembly Rooms very welcome. The Flea...
2025-03-03 14:00 -
2025-03-03 19:00 -
2025-03-03 19:00 -
You spoke - we listened! Last month we held a youth focus group and one of the many ideas that came from that was Open Mic - whether its poetry,...
2025-03-04 19:00 -
2025-03-05 19:00 -
2025-03-05 19:30 -
2025-03-06 13:30 -
2025-03-06 14:00 -
2025-03-06 19:00 -
2025-03-07 14:00 -
Starting on Friday 21 Feb and running for 8 weeks until Friday 11 April Whether you are an experienced artist wanting to explore new approaches, or a complete beginner, this...
2025-03-07 19:00 -
2025-03-08 10:00 -
2025-03-08 14:00 -
2025-03-08 19:00 -
2025-03-10 14:00 -
2025-03-10 19:00 -
Anyone exploring Ludlow will find that, hidden at the end of gardens, embedded in buildings and occasionally standing in isolation are the remains of the medieval walls that once surrounded...
2025-03-11 19:00 -
2025-03-12 19:00 -
2025-03-12 19:30 -
2025-03-13 13:30 -
2025-03-13 14:00 -
2025-03-13 19:00 -
2025-03-13 19:30 -
Starting on Friday 21 Feb and running for 8 weeks until Friday 11 April Whether you are an experienced artist wanting to explore new approaches, or a complete beginner, this...
2025-03-14 19:00 -
2025-03-14 20:00 -
2025-03-15 14:00 -
2025-03-15 19:00 -
2025-03-18 16:30 -
2025-03-18 18:00 -
Ian Gledhill: Art and Illusion of Theatre Stage Design The story of stage scenery from Sophocles to Spiderman! Western style theatre was invented by the Greeks from the 5th century BC...
2025-03-19 19:30 -
2025-03-19 19:30 -
2025-03-20 13:30 -
2025-03-20 19:15 -
Starting on Friday 21 Feb and running for 8 weeks until Friday 11 April Whether you are an experienced artist wanting to explore new approaches, or a complete beginner, this...
2025-03-21 19:30 -
2025-03-22 18:30 -
2025-03-22 19:30 -
2025-03-24 14:00 -
2025-03-24 19:00 -
2025-03-25 19:00 -
2025-03-26 19:00 -
2025-03-27 19:30 -
Starting on Friday 21 Feb and running for 8 weeks until Friday 11 April Whether you are an experienced artist wanting to explore new approaches, or a complete beginner, this...
2025-03-28 19:30 -
2025-03-28 20:00 -
2025-03-29 10:00 -
2025-03-29 19:30 -
2025-04-01 19:15 -
2025-04-03 19:00 -
Starting on Friday 21 Feb and running for 8 weeks until Friday 11 April Whether you are an experienced artist wanting to explore new approaches, or a complete beginner, this...
2025-04-07 19:00 -
2025-04-09 19:30 -
2025-04-10 19:00 -
Starting on Friday 21 Feb and running for 8 weeks until Friday 11 April Whether you are an experienced artist wanting to explore new approaches, or a complete beginner, this...
2025-04-11 16:30 -
2025-04-11 18:00 -
2025-04-11 19:30 -
2025-04-11 21:30 -
2025-04-12 11:30 -
2025-04-12 14:00 -
2025-04-12 19:30 -
2025-04-13 14:30 -
2025-04-13 16:30 -
Justin Reay: Light and Shade - the Persian Paradise Garden The formal ‘paradise gardens’ of Persia (Iran) are noted for their tranquillity and the respite they offer from the summer heat of...
2025-04-16 19:00 -
2025-04-17 10:00 -
2025-04-18 19:00 -
2025-04-19 19:30 -
2025-04-23 19:00 -
2025-04-24 10:00 -
2025-04-24 19:30 -
2025-04-25 14:00 -
2025-04-25 18:30 -
2025-04-25 19:30 -
2025-04-26 19:00 -
2025-04-30 19:30 -
2025-05-05 19:00 -
2025-05-07 19:30 -
2025-05-08 19:30 -
2025-05-09 19:30 -
2025-05-10 19:00 -
2025-05-10 19:30 -
2025-05-14 19:15 -
2025-05-15 19:30 -
2025-05-17 19:30 -
David Worthington: Sculpture and Architecture It is likely that the first architects were the stonemasons who built the temples and cathedrals. So sculptors were the architects. In the ancient world the...
2025-05-21 19:00 -
2025-05-07 19:00 -
2025-05-22 14:00 -
2025-05-22 16:30 -